Typography Chart furniture Chart types Colour



Most charts should include gridlines to help users read the data and understand the scale. Gridlines should be placed behind other chart elements.

Dashed horizontal guide-lines can be added for certain charts, such as dot plots, to help visually connect the data to the label. Most charts do not need both vertical and horizontal gridlines, with the exception of e.g. scatter plots.

For information on axis text, see Typography details.

Item Stroke weight Stroke style ONS colour name Colour hex value RGB colour
Zero line 1.5px Solid line Grey 40 #B3B3B3 179, 179, 179
All other gridlines 1px Solid line Grey 20 #D9D9D9 217, 217, 217
Tick marks* 1px Solid line Grey 20 #D9D9D9 217, 217, 217
Horizontal guides (e.g. for dot plots) 1px Dash 2px
Gap 2px Grey 20 #D9D9D9 217, 217, 217

*Categorical axes should not have tick marks


Example of horizontal chart gridlines on a line chart

Example of horizontal chart gridlines on a line chart

Example of vertical chart gridlines on a bar chart

Example of vertical chart gridlines on a bar chart

Example of horizontal and vertical gridlines on a scatter plot

Example of horizontal and vertical gridlines on a scatter plot