The guide sets out the ONS house style for the visual elements of charts. Following these styles will make sure charts look clear, consistent, visually-appealing, and on-brand.

Use this guide to find the right styles for typography, colours, gridlines and other chart details.

As well as points that apply across all chart types, specific guidance is provided for commonly-used chart types.



Chart furniture

Chart types


Work in progress

What’s changed

Colour 2.0 🚧

Interactive elements 🚧

🗣️ Questions and feedback

Please post any question and feedback in the #design-and-datavis Slack channel. You can also contact Peter Broad (data vis) and Rachel Price (design) directly.

You can use this channel to:

The guide is a work in progress, so feedback is appreciated:

We’re keen to get:

Please share any suggestions you have through the #design-and-datavis channel or with Peter and Rachel

The development of this guide